Strange encounter on the road

WHAT are YOU guys doing HERE???

Yesterday early evening I was on my way into town for our weekly drum circle.

We live quite a ways out in “the bush” on a narrow winding country road.

It is Bear and Moose and Wolf country out here.

It was a few years back, that we began to see wild Turkeys by the road again. They were reintroduced by the MNR = Ministry of Natural Resources as a species that used to be indigenous to Southern Ontario. Now however, with us having warmer climates with milder winters they- and many other species of Wildlife moved north and in recent years we have seen a proliferation of Wild Turkeys, but also rather exotic migrants like Opossums – not to speak about all the new arrivals in the Snake and Insect department….

So here I was, tufffffing down the windy road, hopping in and our of potholes when just over the next bump in the road I see a large Bird standing in the middle of the “pavement” and 2 more appeared out of the bush.

Wild Turkeys” I thought .

Well, strange thing, they have on their head – strange plumage too: Blue white and gray….

One more dip in the road and I would be right upon them.

Turkeys usually run- or fly of and one has to be careful, that they do not fly into the windshield.

Wuump – over the next bump I come and RIGHT before me the road is blocked. 2 Huuuuuuge Birds, caleidoscopic colored tail feathers spread wide, are blocking the road of, side to side. And not only that, they shake these wide rusteling colorful feather wheels at me as if to scare the car away.

Well, the car is not scarred , but me!?????????

I have hit the break and come to a full stop.

Car-wise and mind-wise too.

These are NO Turkeys!!!!!!!!

These are Peakocks!!!!!!!!!

WHAT are they doing here???????

This is Ontario! – Or did I miss a turn somewhere??

They are not budging either and now I recognize the 3 other Birds I first saw from a distance as Peahens, with the little crown of feathers on their heads. They are of to the side in the bushes.

I wish I had a camera. Nobody will believe that.

I honk the horn. The first Bird folds his feathers and struts of, the other one follows.

Where are they going?


Oh yes, what is the Fox thinking about this?

I will probably see him tomorrow, when he comes to see me for a consultation to find out ifff he has hallucinations….. 😉

The Fox and me

need therapy:

There’s something really strange we see:

It’s colorful and big and and loud

and shakes his bum feathers around.

We both wonder, can we cope?

Do we need pills, did we eat dope?

Should we ignore it’s strutting gate ?

– or but it on our dinner plate?

7 thoughts on “Strange encounter on the road

  1. Bizarre – the bottom photo is exactly like the peacocks Joy, Andrea and I came across when we went to visit one of my old haunts in the North UK! What are Peacocks coming to tell us?

  2. You should write more about the peacock, and maybe you can even post one of the peacock pictures I shot at St.Naum in Macedonia. And add a pic from the found peacock feather…..

  3. Haha, I loved the humor of your poem!

    What are Peacocks trying to tell us? That the climate is changing? That we need more beauty in our lives? That there will always be unexpected encounters? I have no idea!

  4. 🙂
    Well, there is a lot of serendipity about the amount of “Peacock medicine” in my/ our daily life these last few weeks and I think I can feel another post coming on – especially in order to host the pictures Peter talked about….
    Maybe I have time tomorrow morning…..

  5. From Ted Andrews ANIMAL-SPEAK:
    Probably the peacock’s two most outstanding features are the feathers and its
    eerie and raucous calls. The call has a kind of laughter quality to it, as if the pea-
    cock is a reminder to laugh at life. One story I have heard in connection to its
    vocalizations is tied to the appearance of its feet. The peacock has ugly feet, and
    there is a story that it screeches every time it catches sight of them.
    For anyone with a peacock as a totem, an examination of the mysticism and
    symbolism of feet should be examined. The feet are our support system; they are
    at the foundation of our structure. They enable us to move and to be upright.
    What are the feet of the peacock saying about you and your life? An examina-
    tion and use of foot reflexology is beneficial to study for anyone with a peacock
    as a totem.
    The feathers have been used for ritual and for decorative purposes. The col-
    ors and patterns of its feathers reveal why such mysticism has arisen in connection
    with the peacock. The blue-green iridescence creates a sense of awe. The bluish-
    green tint has often been associated with royalty. The “eyes” within the feathering
    have often been associated with greater vision and wisdom.
    This idea of watchfulness is found in Greek Mythology. Argus, a watchman
    for the goddess Hera, had a hundred eyes. When he fell asleep during his duty
    and was killed, Hera placed his eyes in the peacock-her favorite bird.
    Of all birds, the peacock most resembles the traditional descriptions of the
    phoenix. The phoenix is the legendary bird of resurrection that is sacrificed in the
    fires of life and then rises from the flames out of its own ashes. The peacock, as a
    reflection of the phoenix, has touched many societies. In Chinese mythology the
    plumage is a blending of five colors that have a sweet harmony of sound ..
    In Egypt it was linked to the worship of the sun god, Amon-Ra. Even in
    Christianity it was a symbol of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In Egypt, the
    peacock was associated with the all seeing eye of Horus. To the Hindus, it was
    associated with Hindra, the god of thunder who became a peacock to escape the
    demon Ravana, thus being endowed with 100 eyes in the feathers .
    . The peacock was often considered sacred in that it destroyed poisonous
    snakes. In Egypt it held a position second only to the ibis in this category. Because
    of its many eyes, it has been associated with wisdom and vision-heightened
    watchfulness. it has also been associated with immortality. Partly this is due to its
    similar appearance to depictions of the phoenix. This idea also arises from an old
    belief that its flesh would not putrefy.
    An examination of these and other myths associated with this bird may
    reveal possible past-life connections for those with this totem. It will shed insight
    into the role it will play in your life. The lore associated with the peacock is closely
    tied to its characteristics and behaviors, and it will help you see how other soci-
    eties were able to draw connections and make correspondences.

  6. Peacocks make excellent watch dogs–they’re very territorial and kick up a fuss when their area is invaded–and they are relentless in killing snakes. Farmers in the southwest US sometimes keep them for these purposes. Maybe one of your neighbors brought them in? xxxxDebra

    • Yes, :)I was thinking along the same lines!
      We have a new hobby farmer about 2 kn further up the road.
      He just bought the place a little over a year ago.
      Peacocks being great watchdogs? What will they do with all our resident Wolves, Bears and Cougars I wonder.
      I fear that these predators are a number too large for them…..

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